Dealing with the criminal justice system can be incredibly overwhelming. Keep in mind, that a criminal record can affect your reputation, freedom, and ability to gain employment. Even certain traffic offenses can result in a loss of your license. If you’ve been injured in a car wreck, you can find yourself with significant medical bills at the same time you lose your income. And you only get one shot at protecting yourself.

Practice Areas

  • If you’ve been charged with a crime, you need an attorney. An attorney will help you evaluate the strength of the State’s case and exert leverage to get the best possible outcome. An experienced defense attorney can also help you identify any collateral consequences. For example, pleading guilty to certain offenses can prohibit you from possessing a firearm or even disqualify you from public benefits. Stephen can help you avoid these pitfalls and find the best outcome for you under your circumstances. Make an appointment to see him, it’s free and you won’t regret it

  • If you’ve been injured in a car wreck or while on another’s property, you deserve compensation. Most people and businesses are insured against those risks. In effect, there is already a pot of money sitting there waiting for you to claim it, provided you jump through certain hoops and have the right evidence. However, there is one barrier between you and rightful compensation – the insurance companies. Insurance companies have offices full of attorneys to defend against your claim. They will low-ball you, delay, delay, and delay. You need someone who knows how to box them in and make them offer you the money you deserve. Personal injury fees work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you don’t pay Stephen anything unless he recovers for you. So, you’ve got nothing to lose. Schedule an appointment for a free consultation to learn what Stephen can do for you.

  • Whether you’re a newly established business or have been in business for years, you need an attorney to help protect your assets and profitability by appropriately memorializing your agreements with other businesses and your customers. At the contract stage, you can avoid many of the downstream consequences that tie up businesses in litigation. Stephen has years of experience helping businesses structure and paper their transactions in ways that accomplishes their businesses objectives with as little legal risk as possible. Set up a free consultation to see what Stephen can do for your business.

  • When we all go one day, we all hope that our final wishes will be honored, and our loved ones will be at peace during that difficult time. Unfortunately, many people pass without having memorialized what their wishes are in an enforceable manner, causing stress and even strife within the family. Moreover, whether and to what extent to extend life supporting treatment in the event of incapacitation is very personal matter and leaving that judgment to your family members can cause unimaginable grief for your loved ones. With a couple simple documents, Stephen can help you ensure that these issues are handled according to your wishes, leaving your family to grieve in peace and focus on your memory. Schedule a free consultation with Stephen to see how he can help ensure your wishes are granted and your family won’t be burdened with these decisions in their time of mourning.